Enzyme AD

Enzyme Automatic Differentiation Framework

Using Enzyme

Differentiating C/C++ 

Enzyme supports differentiating C/C++ code through ClangEnzyme and LLDEnzyme as compiler and linker plugins, respectively. Clang gives our plugin more flexibility in adding and ordering optimization passes than LLD and therefore using ClangEnzyme could result in better performance than LLDEnzyme. However, ClangEnzyme can only differentiate one compilation unit at a time and will therefore fail if the function which you try to differentiate calls functions in other compilation units (generally other .c or .cpp files). In these cases we recommend the use of LLDEnzyme in combination with LTO. Finally, for full control you can also compile your c/c++ project down to LLVM-IR and pass it directly to LLVMEnzyme, see the example below.

An example for using LLDEnzyme as part of CMake is available here . Examples for using ClangEnzyme or LLVMEnzyme without CMake are given below, but please keep in mind that the plugin infrastructure and syntax changed a few times and will generally depend on your LLVM Version. Please open an issue if you encounter issues (and please extend this section here if you have time!)

Generating LLVM 

To begin, let’s create a simple code test.c we want to differentiate. Enzyme will replace any calls to functions whose names contain “__enzyme_autodiff” with calls to the corresponding For now, let’s ignore the details of Enzyme’s calling convention/ABI which are described in detail here

// test.c
#include <stdio.h>
extern double __enzyme_autodiff(void*, double);
double square(double x) {
    return x * x;
double dsquare(double x) {
    // This returns the derivative of square or 2 * x
    return __enzyme_autodiff((void*) square, x);
int main() {
    for(double i=1; i<5; i++)
        printf("square(%f)=%f, dsquare(%f)=%f", i, square(i), i, dsquare(i));

We can generate LLVM from this code by calling clang as follows. Note that clang should be the path to whatever clang you built Enzyme against.

clang test.c -S -emit-llvm -o input.ll -O2 -fno-vectorize -fno-slp-vectorize -fno-unroll-loops

The arguments -S -emit-llvm specify that we want to emit LLVM bitcode rather than an executable. The arguments -o input.ll specify that we want the output to be in a file input.ll. The argument -O2 -ffast-math runs optimizations (with fast-math) before we run Enzyme’s AD process, which is often beneficial for performance. The argument -fno-vectorize -fno-slp-vectorize -fno-unroll-loops specifies that we don’t want to run vectorization or loop unrolling. In practice, it is better for performance to only run these scheduling optimizations after AD.

The generated LLVM IR should look something like the following

; input.ll
define double @square(double %x) #0 {
  %mul = fmul double %x, %x
  ret double %mul

define double @dsquare(double %x) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
  %call = tail call double @__enzyme_autodiff(i8* bitcast (double (double)* @square to i8*), double %x) #4
  ret double %call

Performing AD Enzyme 

We can now run Enzyme to differentiate our LLVM IR. The following command will load Enzyme and run the differentiation transformation pass. Note that opt should be the path to whatever opt was creating by the LLVM you built Enzyme against. If you see a segfault when trying to run opt, this is likely an issue in LLVM’s plugin infrasture. Please see the installation guide for more information on how to resolve this. For LLVM 13 or a higher version, please see FAQ .

opt input.ll -load=/path/to/Enzyme/enzyme/build/Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-<VERSION>.so -enzyme -o output.ll -S

Taking a look at output.ll, we find the following:

; output.ll
define internal { double } @diffesquare(double %x, double %differeturn) #0 {
  %"mul'de" = alloca double
  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %"mul'de"
  %"x'de" = alloca double
  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %"x'de"
  br label %invertentry

invertentry:                                      ; preds = %entry
  store double %differeturn, double* %"mul'de"
  %0 = load double, double* %"mul'de"
  %m0diffex = fmul fast double %0, %x
  %m1diffex = fmul fast double %0, %x
  store double 0.000000e+00, double* %"mul'de"
  %1 = load double, double* %"x'de"
  %2 = fadd fast double %1, %m0diffex
  store double %2, double* %"x'de"
  %3 = load double, double* %"x'de"
  %4 = fadd fast double %3, %m1diffex
  store double %4, double* %"x'de"
  %5 = load double, double* %"x'de"
  %6 = insertvalue { double } undef, double %5, 0
  ret { double } %6

define double @dsquare(double %x) local_unnamed_addr #1 {
  %0 = call { double } @diffesquare(double %x, double 1.000000e+00)
  %1 = extractvalue { double } %0, 0
  ret double %1

Enzyme has created a new gradient function and replaced the corresponding call to __enzyme_autodiff. Note that newly-created gradient function isn’t yet optimized. Enzyme assumes that various post-processing will occur after creating the gradient.

For example, suppose we run -O2 after Enzyme as shown below:

opt output.ll -O2 -o output_opt.ll -S

Taking a look at output_opt.ll, we see the following:

; output_opt.ll
define double @dsquare(double %x) local_unnamed_addr #0 {
  %factor.i = fmul fast double %x, 2.000000e+00
  ret double %factor.i

The generated gradient has been inlined and entirely simplified to return the input times two.

We can then compile this to a final binary as follows:

clang output_opt.ll -o a.exe

For ease, we could combine the final optimization and bianry execution into one command as follows.

clang output.ll -O3 -o a.exe

Moreover, using Enzyme’s clang plugin, we could automate the entire AD and compilation in a single command. Using the clang plugin should be done by default as it improves the user experience as well as various default performance options. However, the example above is still useful to understand how Enzyme works on LLVM.

clang test.c -fplugin=/path/to/Enzyme/enzyme/build/Enzyme/ClangEnzyme-<VERSION>.so -o a.exe

Note that if using the LLVM plugin, each version of LLVM will have slightly different command line flags to specifying plugins. See the FAQ for more information. If using the clang plugin, the same command should work independently of version.

Advanced options 

Enzyme has several advanced options that may be of interest.

Performance options 

Disabling Preprocessing 

The enzyme-preopt option disables the preprocessing optimizations run by the Enzyme pass, except for the absolute minimum neccessary.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-preopt=1
$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-preopt=0

Forced Inlining 

The enzyme-inline option forcibly inlines all subfunction calls. The enzyme-inline-count option limits the number of calls inlined by this utility.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-inline=1
$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-inline=1 -enzyme-inline-count=100

Compressed Bool Cache 

The enzyme-smallbool option allows Enzyme’s cache to store 8 boolean (i1) values inside a single byte rather than one value per byte.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-smallbool=1

Semantic options 

Loose type analysis 

The enzyme-loose-types option tells Enzyme to make an educated guess about the type of a value it cannot prove, rather than emit a compile-time error and fail. This can be helpful for starting to bootstrap code with Enzyme but shouldn’t be used in production as Enzyme may make an incorrect guess and create an incorrect gradient.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-loose-types=1

Assume inactivity of undefined functions 

The enzyme-emptyfn-inactive option tells activity analysis to assume that all calls to functions whose definitions aren’t available and aren’t explicitly given a custom gradient via metadata are assumed to be inactive. This can be useful for assuming printing functions don’t impact derivative computations and provide a performance benefit, as well as getting around a compile-time error where the derivative of a foreign function is not known. However, this option should be used carefully as it may result in incorrect behavior if it is used to incorrectly assume a call to a foreign function doesn’t impact the derivative computation. As a result, the recommended way to remedy this is to mark the function as inactive explicitly, or provide a custom gradient via metadata.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-emptyfn-inactive=1

Assume inactivity of unmarked globals 

The enzyme-globals-default-inactive option tells activity analysis to assume that global variables without an explicitly defined shadow global are assumed to be inactive. Like enzyme_emptyfnconst, this option should be used carefully as it may result in incorrect behavior if it is used to incorrectly assume that a global variable doesn’t contain data used in a derivative computation.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-globals-default-inactive=1

Cache behavior 

The enzyme-cache-never option tells the cache to recompute all load values, even if alias analysis isn’t able to prove the legality of such a recomputation. This may improve performance but is likely to result in incorrect derivatives being produced as this is not generally true.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-cache-never=1

In contrast, the enzyme-cache-always option tells the cache to still cache values that alias analysis and differential use analysis say are not needed to be cached (perhaps being legal to recompute instead). This will usually decrease performance and is intended for developers in order to catch caching bugs.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-cache-always=1

Debugging options for developers 


This option prints out functions being differentiated before preprocessing optimizations, after preprocessing optimizations, and after being synthesized by Enzyme. It is mostly use to debug the AD process.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-print

; Function Attrs: norecurse nounwind readnone uwtable
define double @square(double %x) #0 {
  %mul = fmul double %x, %x
  ret double %mul


This option prints out the results of activity analysis as they are being derived. The output is somewaht specific to the analysis pass and is only intended for developers.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-print-activity
in new function diffesquare nonconstant arg double %0
 VALUE nonconst from arg nonconst double %x
checking if is constant[3]   %mul = fmul double %x, %x
 < UPSEARCH3>  %mul = fmul double %x, %x
 VALUE nonconst from arg nonconst double %x
nonconstant(3)  up-inst   %mul = fmul double %x, %x op double %x
 </UPSEARCH3>  %mul = fmul double %x, %x
couldnt decide nonconstants(3):  %mul = fmul double %x, %x
 Value nonconstant (couldn't disprove)[3]  %mul = fmul double %x, %x


This option prints out the results of type analysis as they are being derived. The output is somewaht specific to the analysis pass and is only intended for developers.

$ opt input.ll -load=./Enzyme/LLVMEnzyme-7.so -enzyme -enzyme-print-type
analyzing function square
 + knowndata: double %x : {[-1]:Float@double} - {}
 + retdata: {}
updating analysis of val: double %x current: {} new {[-1]:Float@double}
updating analysis of val: double %x current: {[-1]:Float@double} new {[-1]:Float@double} from double %x
updating analysis of val:   %mul = fmul double %x, %x current: {} new {}
updating analysis of val: double %x current: {[-1]:Float@double} new {[-1]:Float@double} from   %mul = fmul double %x, %x
updating analysis of val: double %x current: {[-1]:Float@double} new {[-1]:Float@double} from   %mul = fmul double %x, %x
updating analysis of val:   %mul = fmul double %x, %x current: {} new {[-1]:Float@double} from   %mul = fmul double %x, %x